the therapist salon
audrey’s idea
When I began training as a therapist, I imagined being a part of a thriving therapeutic community that shared best practice, war stories, and served as a supportive and mind-expanding part of my life. The reality has been...less than that. I think working as a counsellor, psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, or clinical psychologist can be intensely lonely work. We work, often intensely and intimately, with people and we can't discuss it outside of the supervisory context. We become the holders of the sacred and the profane and it changes us in ways both heartbreaking and heart expanding. I think it's the best job ever, and I also feel it can be incredibly hard and lonely
Since the pandemic I've been dreaming of a forum for Therapists to meet several times a year, in an environment which was supportive, inspiring, and edifying... As a former academic and consultant, and an American expat, I'm familiar with the idea of a Salon. A gathering of creatives to discuss ideas and make connections. While historical Salons often had a speaker, an interview or facilitator, this initial Salon is simply to get to know each other - to meet people that you may not already know in the field, and to do so in a welcoming, supportive environment.
Please join us and be a part of a thriving therapeutic community that shares best practices, war stories and serves as a supportive and educative addition to your practice.
Bath Clinic, The Assembly, 2 Brock Street, BA1 2LN
10am - Meet and Greet with selection of teas, coffee and healthy snacks
10:15am-11:30am - Special guest speaker DR Sam Carr, Bath based psychologist and social scientist with the Department of Education and the University of Bath. Dr Sam Carr will speak about his new book 'All the lonely people' which is a collection of stories of love and loss, of trauma and hope, told from care homes, living rooms, classrooms and kitchens.
11:30am-1pm - Schmooze
Please note: There is a £2.00 fee to reserve your space which is the contribution towards the cost of the refreshments.
sunday, 22nd september 2024
Newark Works, 2 Foundry Way, Bath, BA2 3DZ
10am - Meet and Greet with selection of teas, coffee and healthy snacks
10:30am-12:30pm- We would like to invite everyone to speak about your practice, areas you specialise in and discuss any challenges you may be facing, so we can create a safe space where we can all help each other.
Please note: There is a £2.50 fee to reserve your space which is the contribution towards the cost of the refreshment.
Newark Works, 2 Foundry Way, Bath, BA2 3DZ
Guest speaker feedback
Dr. S. Carr
"I am so glad that Audrey and Monika invited me to speak at the 'Therapist Salon.' The discussion I shared with the group about loneliness (and more) was powerful, enriching, and deeply human. We each took something away to ponder and reflect upon. Furthermore, the group space felt safe, trusting, open, and honest - the perfect environment for intellectual and spiritual exploration."