couples therapy


“The work I do with couples has at its foundation, acknowledgement of each individual and the complexity of desire, disappointment and wounding, that they bring to the partnership. It is intense and transformative work.”

— Audrey Stephenson


Audrey’s work with couples has grown out of her work with group facilitation and individual clients. It is a bold and compassionate approach to the challenges that humans face in long term relationships.

At times unflinching and painfully real, Audrey often acts as a translator for couples, bringing them into greater contact with what they are really wanting in relationship with each other, helping them to communicate and build a shared language and common goals.

This in depth, longer term work for couples experiencing difficulty in their relationship. This could include emotional distance, sexual issues, infidelity, differences in beliefs about what marriage is and should be, and any combination of the above.

As humans, we are drawn to connect, and romantic connection is often one of the most fantasised about partnerships that we come across. The weight of our conscious expectations, unconscious beliefs, and over taxed schedules, often leave us wondering where the dream went. 

The work Audrey does with couples has at its foundation, acknowledgement of each individual and the complexity of desire, disappointment and wounding, that they bring to the partnership. It is intense and transformative work.

Despite this being a service for those dealing with relationship issues, most couples find it helpful to have at least one session apart from their partners.

  • Relationship Evaluation


    50 minutes per person

  • Couple Sessions

    £250 / £320

    90 minutes / 120 minutes


  • While individual therapy is going to be useful for the individuals that make up a couple, there are times when coming to therapy with your partner is an important part of creating a relationship that works for you. If you and your partner have difficulty “getting over” arguments; eg the next argument references the last one, or the last 79... If lack of intimacy, emotional and/or sexual, has you feeling “less connected”, or if you find yourself feeling stuck in your relationship, unable to shift or move through an issue with your partner; couples therapy could be a powerful part of creating new patterns and behaviours in your relationship.

  • The word therapy comes from a Greek word meaning, cure or healing. In the Western World, we have come to use the word therapy as a shorthand for 'talking therapies'. Though it can include many different psychological and psychotherapeutic disciplines.

  • This is a very personal question, the answer of which I believe can only be truly chosen by the individual him or herself. If you are having difficulty coping with a particular circumstance in your life, if you are experiencing emotional disturbances that you don't understand, if you are having difficult relationships you can't seem to get a handle on, or are having trouble changing an area of your life, no matter how hard you try...therapy may be for you.

  • Firstly, I would invite you to consider yourself not as a defective or broken person, but rather a person under the influence of a pain that hasn't been properly supported, held and met. Pain unheard, can become a pretty horrendous injury.As an integrative therapist, I have great respect for many therapies, and practices. I believe healing can come from many different practices, not just counselling or psychotherapy. Understanding, however, coupled with compassion, and leading towards healing, is something I think counselling and psychotherapy do particularly well.

  • Within the UK, counsellor and psychotherapist aren't protected terms. Therefore understanding the differences between the two terms can be confusing. I see counselling as being able to tackle everyday problems, which may span the mundane to the catastrophic. Counselling is often linked with more short term work and may be more structured.
    Psychotherapeutic work explores more deeply held patterns which may lie within your past history. While psychotherapy absolutely deals with current issues a client may have, we often explore how those current issues may link to self beliefs or identity. Psychotherapy is often linked with longer term work.

  • I hear this very often from new clients - my issues aren't THAT bad, or ‘this feels utterly indulgent’. One of my favourite writers, Vicktor Frankel puts it this way,

    "A man's suffering is similar to the behaviour of gas. If a certain quantity of gas is pumped into an empty chamber, it will fill the chamber completely and evenly, no matter how big the chamber. Thus suffering completely fills the human soul and conscious mind, no matter whether the suffering is great or little. Therefore the 'size' of human suffering is absolutely relative." from “Man’s Search for Meaning”

    Whatever is causing you pain is real; and in some way, untenable to you. That is where we begin - not with someone else's story. With yours.

  • ItThis can be a real concern for individuals at the beginning of therapy. Will I become dependent? Will I become disempowered and need constant therapy to get me through life?
    I believe good therapy initially is more like a cast rather than a crutch. A cast holds you in the best position for healing. It also protects the wounded site from infection and external disturbance. But the healing doesn't come from the cast, the therapy, the healing comes from within YOU.

“We have been seeing Audrey for four years. From her, we receive warmth, acceptance, compassion, depth, insight and humour. It has enhanced our relationship beyond our expectations. Working with Audrey is often challenging but always rewarding.”

— Client Testimonial


    A long term approach to coping with the mental and physical effects of trauma. Psychotherapeutic work explores more deeply held patterns which may lie within your past history.

  • Book a FREE 20 minute call

    Working with a therapist is about more than just finding someone with expertise, it's important to find the right fit. If you have any concerns, please book in for a free 20 minute clarity call.

  • Coaching

    The practice of running your life more efficiently, with less stress. This is not therapy, but is for those looking for a supportive, creative environment within which to experiment with positive change.